
It is the convenient alternative of the Button node.


TextureButtonTouchHandler = proc (self: TextureButtonRef; x, y: float)
TextureButtonObj = object of LabelObj
  button_mask*: cint         ## Mask for handle clicks
  action_mask*: cint         ## BUTTON_RELEASE or BUTTON_CLICK.
  normal_background_texture*: GlTextureObj ## texture, when button is not pressed and not hovered.
  hover_background_texture*: GlTextureObj ## texture, when button hovered.
  press_background_texture*: GlTextureObj ## texture, when button pressed.
  on_touch*: TextureButtonTouchHandler ## This called, when user clicks on button.
TextureButtonRef = ref TextureButtonObj


proc TextureButton(name: string = "TextureButton"): TextureButtonRef {...}{.
    raises: [], tags: [].}

Creates a new TextureButton node.


  • name is a node name.


var my_button = TextureButton("TextureButton")


method draw(self: TextureButtonRef; w, h: GLfloat) {...}{.
    raises: [GLerror, Exception, ResourceError], tags: [RootEffect].}
this method uses in the window.nim.
method duplicate(self: TextureButtonRef): TextureButtonRef {...}{.base, raises: [],
    tags: [].}
Duplicates TextureButton object and creates a new TextureButton node.
method handle(self: TextureButtonRef; event: InputEvent; mouse_on: var NodeRef) {...}{.
    raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect].}
Handles user input. This uses in the window.nim.
method setNormalTexture(self: TextureButtonRef; texture: GlTextureObj) {...}{.base,
    raises: [GLerror], tags: [].}
Changes button texture, when it not pressed and not hovered.
method setHoverTexture(self: TextureButtonRef; texture: GlTextureObj) {...}{.base,
    raises: [GLerror], tags: [].}
Changes button texture, when it hovered.
method setPressTexture(self: TextureButtonRef; texture: GlTextureObj) {...}{.base,
    raises: [GLerror], tags: [].}
Changes button texture, when it pressed.